Pebble Time – Dal 27 Maggio partiranno le prime spedizioni!

Pebble ha annunciato che le prime spedizioni di Pebble Time inizieranno a partire dal 27 Maggio e i primi utenti riceveranno il numero di tracking da metà giugno.

pebble time

Da Kickstarter:

  • La produzione è in questi giorni in pieno svolgimento, la linea di fabbricazione è partita da inizio mese.
  • Visto questa velocità di produzione e commercializzazione, ci aspettiamo che Pebble Time riceva un riconoscimento (Rewards) entro fine mese (magari, come prodotto dell’anno).
  • Entro la fine di maggio, tutti i sostenitori della campagna, riceveranno un’e-mail dove posso controllare se il proprio Pebble è in elaborazione o in spedizione.
  • Ogni sostenitore di Pebble Time dovrebbe ricevere un numero di tracking entro la metà di giugno.
  • Le spedizioni continueranno a rotazione stando ai tempi dei centri di distribuzione.

Pebble ha anche riferito, che sta ultimando gli ultimi ritocchi sull’app per Android e iOS, per essere funzionale al 100 % con il device – l’app si chiamerà Pebble Time Watch. L’applicazione permette di personalizzare il vostro Pebble Time con watchfaces personalizzati, applicazioni, servizi e la nuova “Timeline-ready / timeline interface, il tutto attraverso l’app. Ecco cosa si potra fare:


Non ci resta che controllare la nostra mail, magari per ricevere il tanto atteso tracking di spedizione. Eh si! Arriverà nelle mani di Spazio iTech, quindi, continuate a seguirci! Stay Tuned!

Qui sotto, potete vedere il documento ufficiale di Pebble Time ed i ringraziamenti da parte del TEAM.

Shipments Start May 27 + Pebble Time App Previews
It might be #ThrowbackThursday, but we’re all about looking forward. In today’s update, let’s check in on:
  • Shipping and production Status
  • Pebble Time apps for iOS and Android

Pebble Time Shipments Start May 27th

Great news: the first batch of Pebble Time shipments are scheduled to go out Wednesday, May 27.
A tray of casings ready for assembly!
A tray of casings ready for assembly!
  • Production is now in full swing since bringing the factory online at the beginning of May.
  • With things moving along at this rate, we expect all Pebble Time Rewards to be manufactured by the end of the month.
  • By the end of May, all backers can expect an invitation to finalize their selections in the Reward Portal so we can get your Pebble Time processed and shipped.
  • Every backer with a Pebble Time included in their selected reward tier should receive a tracking number from us by mid-June.
  • Shipments will continue on a rolling basis as watches land at distribution centers.
Peek inside a microphone testing chamber.
Peek inside a microphone testing chamber.
The team enjoying a recent factory visit.
The team enjoying a recent factory visit.
For full details about Pebble Time’s journey from factory to wrist, see Kickstarter Update 17. To check the progress of your individual Pebble Time reward, visit your personalized Reward Portal to monitor the status between the Building, Processing, and Shipped steps. Check out our help page to know more about the Kickstarter Reward Portal.

Pebble Time Apps for iOS + Android

The new Pebble Time app icon.
The new Pebble Time app icon.
Our software team has been cranking non-stop to get Pebble Time’s mobile apps ready for their debut next week. The apps will work exclusively with Pebble Time and Pebble Time Steel when they arrive on iTunes and Google Play. The current Pebble apps on iTunes and Google Play will still be around to manage the original Pebble and Pebble Steel.

The new mobile apps, dubbed Pebble Time Watch, will let you set up and manage Pebble Time when it arrives. It’s also where you’ll find the Pebble appstore to get new color and Timeline-ready apps or browse for watchapps you already know and love.

The apps sport a new My Pebble screen, known formerly as the Locker. From here, you’ll organize what’s on your Pebble by Watchfaces and Apps/Timeline.

iOS My Pebble menus (left) and Android My Pebble menus (right)
iOS My Pebble menus (left) and Android My Pebble menus (right)
With the new mobile apps, we’ve done away with the old 8-app limit. You can now manage all the apps and faces you like. Pebble Time will store as many watchapps it can locally. When needed, apps and faces not stored on the watch locally will be downloaded from the Pebble app to the watch.

The apps integrate with Pebble Time seamlessly, especially when it comes to organization and reordering apps and faces.

Dragging downloaded watchapps within the menu reorders them and syncs the new order to your Pebble (woo-hoo!).

There’s now three ways to pick the active watchface on your Pebble Time:

1) Press Select » Watchfaces in the Pebble Time Launcher menu.

2) Tap the circle on the top right of any watchface tile in your app’s My Pebble menu to instantly make it active on your Pebble Time.

3) Tap a watchface in your My Pebble menu. The card that pops up has a command to Set as active watchface.

That’s it for today, everyone. Enjoy the rest of your week and keep us posted about what you think and what you’d like to see next. Until next time!

<3, Team Pebble